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Celebrating Exciting Milestone: Keel Laying Ceremony for Pelagic Wind Services’ Advanced CSOV

Large crane infrastructure at Cochin Shipyard during the keel laying ceremony.

On Thursday, the 12th of December, Pelagic Wind Services and Pelagic Partners marked an exciting moment the keel laying ceremony for one of our state-of-the-art Commissioning Service Operation Vessels (CSOVs) took place in Cochin, India. This significant milestone signalled the start of construction for a vessel that will set new benchmarks in the offshore wind industry.

Representative performing a keel laying ritual with participants and crew observing.
The Managing Director of Pelagic Wind Services performs rituals for the keel laying.

The ceremony was attended by representatives from Pelagic Wind Services including Andre Groeneveld (Managing Director), Pradeep Ranjan (Chief Technical Officer), Roman Lehnoff (Chief Newbuilding Officer) and Pawel Wasniowski (Chief Operations Officer), alongside project partners from classification society, DNV, as well as wider stakeholders, illustrating the importance of this project to the continued development of sustainable and innovative maritime solutions. This CSOV is the first of two vessels currently scheduled for delivery by 2025 and 2026.

Close-up group shot of Pelagic Partners and shipyard officials in front of the ceremony banner.
Leaders from Pelagic Partners and Cochin Shipyard together at the milestone event.

Developed under our Pelagic Wind Fund, these CSOVs are designed to be the most advanced in their class. In response to the industry’s growing need for sustainable solutions, these vessels are equipped with cutting-edge features, including dual-fuel engines that enable zero-emission capabilities. Furthermore, the vessel is also equipped with a large 2,800 kWh lithium-ion battery pack to support enhanced operational efficiency and emission reduction. This future-proofed design ensures that our vessels will play a pivotal role in supporting the industry’s transition to low-carbon fuel technologies.

Attendees applauding the successful keel laying of the CSOV.
Celebrating the Keel Laying Milestone

At Pelagic Partners, we see immense opportunity in the offshore vessel market. Our investment in these first-in-class CSOVs aligns with our broader strategy for growth and sustainability and we are pleased to celebrate this auspicious milestone in the CSOV’s construction. Offshore vessels represent a strong area for investment within the market currently, and we are excited to add these first-in-class vessels to our growing offshore fleet.

Participants observing the CSOV keel structure at Cochin Shipyard.
Participants observing the CSOV keel structure at Cochin Shipyard.

With the delivery of the first two vessels planned for 2025 and 2026 along with additional vessels under consideration, Pelagic Wind Services and Pelagic Partners are positioned to lead the way in providing innovative, sustainable solutions for the offshore wind industry.

Massive crane lifting the keel section during the ceremony.
A crane lifts the CSOV keel section at the shipyard

The keel laying ceremony in Cochin is just the beginning of what promises to be a transformative journey for our company, our partners, and the global push toward greener energy. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to drive progress in sustainable maritime operations.

The official event banner for the keel laying ceremony of the Commissioning Service Operation Vessel (CSOV) "Pelagic Walu," displayed at Cochin Shipyard.
The official banner marking the Keel Laying Ceremony for the CSOV “Pelagic Walu” at Cochin Shipyard on 12th December 2024.


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